Saturday, July 9, 2011

I'm back.....

Has it really been over a month!?!?  So sorry, didn't mean to take so long.....
I've been working this weekend, first time in two months - worked yesterday and today and I'll be back tomorrow!  Boy, have I missed the store!  I love this store.....

The Healing Heroes group were in today and it was fabulous, I even got some work done on one of my quilts - check it out at  It's called Alaskan Wildflowers and we have the book in the store - great book!

I also confirmed that we produce absolutely "CRAZY" quilters!  Andy was in today working on her "Heroes" quilts and brought in her latest project......
Each of those squares is a different fabric and they are approximately 1/2" blocks - there are 3,900 so far!!!!  This is what I would call insanity!  She makes the most fabulous quilts and she's only been quilting 1-1/2 years.....

Now that I'm getting back in the saddle I can tell you that we are preparing the BEST EVER newsletter for the fall and we've got some great surprises coming up!  You will soon hear more!  I'll keep you posted!  In the meantime I'm off to work on another project.....

Happy Quilting!


1 comment:

deb clark said...

I am glad I visited your store, so much friendlier than Quilt Sisters. Better stock too. You can bet I will be back!