Merry Christmas everyone, have a Happy and Safe Holiday!
We were supposed to close at 4:00 P.M. today but this is a picture of the store at 5:00 P.M. - those die-hards just can't get enough fabric. Since we will be closed for the next three days (December 25th, 26th and 27th) - I guess I can't really blame them.......
After everybody finally left (around 6:30 P.M.), Sonia and I got really busy and guess what? I got Block 11 done......
.....and Block 12.....
Just a little background here! When I shop for fabrics and Block of the Month ideas it's sometimes very hard to make a choice. Originally when I saw the picture of this quilt I wasn't convinced, it just looked too busy......
I really thought the fabrics would just overpower the designs but then they showed me the fabrics and I fell in love with them.......I'm honestly not a "flower" person but these fabrics are so "fresh" looking, I was hooked! So I had to see more......
I just couldn't leave it like that.......12 blocks done?! So, since the corner triangles were all cut and ready to go.......
The seventh Block is on the ironing board! But I thought I'd go home and relax (although Sonia relaxes me).....however, slight snag there! Around 9:00 P.M. I cleaned up the kitchen, started the dishwasher, packed up my stuff to go home, shut down the lights and locked the door......
Put my bags into the car (it will be a White Christmas after all!) and got into the driver seat and nothing, nada, zilch! DEAD BATTERY! Luckily I have OnStar - so unlock, alarm off, call OnStar! They tell me 45 minutes and you know what?! It really was less than that - congratulations CO-OP Towing (the last time they told me 45 minutes it was 3 hours)! Well done! Took him awhile to get it to turn over but finally we had I have to let it run for at least 1/2 hour so, since I live less than 3 minutes away I am hanging out here and letting it run.......
At this rate I'll be waving to Santa as he passes overhead (or I could go play with Sonia some more!).........I could think of worse places to be stuck! I mean really a "fabriholic" stuck in a quilt store!?! How bad could that be?
Have a wonderful holiday everyone, enjoy family and friends and most of all - BE SAFE!
Happy Quilting!
Jo-Ann and The Chicks - Sharon, Kathy, Mary, Nancy, Judith and Barb
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