Thursday, May 13, 2010

I have an excuse!

I have an excuse!  Barb tied me to a chair until I finished the newsletter!  Phew! It's done - I'm allowed out to play now!!!!!

A Belated Happy Mother's Day to everyone!.  I really meant to get on last Sunday and blog but things got really hectic - however I can show you what I did most of the day.......
Oh no - that's Simon (doesn't he look comfortable)!  I was on the other couch (this was a better picture!)  Actually, Mary came over to help me paper my kitchen cupboards so I was busy all day - but Simon had a lovely rest!

Today was Sit & Sew and Raili was kind enough to share her before and after pictures......the before picture was taken April 30th, the night of the Mystery Quilt - she was feeling challenged that night......
Today's picture puts it all in perspective - she even increased the size of the quilt - it looks great!

I won't bore you with what's happening in the store when I can send you to our fantastic NEW Newsletter!!!!  Check it out - it's up on the website now!

Happy Quilting!


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