Saturday, December 4, 2010

For those of you.......

....who follow this blog, you will know that I tend to go off on tangents about what's happening not only in the store but in my life.....

Nancy says I do it too much so, seeing as I have been so successful (not) and consistent (not) with the Cock A Doodle blog, I decided for those of you who are actually interested in reading "my personal" sagas in life I would create my own is aptly named Jo-Ann's Creations, Trials & Tribulations! and can be accessed on the right side of the page under our favourite blogs.....

By the way - someone should tell Nancy to update her blog.....

Happy Quilting!


1 comment:

Not Nancy said...

Nancy has such an interesting blog that I am able to read it and feel like Im everywhere she is. I am afraid if she updates her blog it will make my own life seem poor in comparison.