Sunday, March 3, 2013


Once a month a fabulous group of quilters come in on a Sunday to Stitch and Bitch!  As much as I look forward to having Sunday off to just stay home and veg - I enjoy more the monthly gathering of this family and friends who come to hang out in my store and create some really awesome projects......

Usually there's a Show and Share and then they get down to working on current there was no show and share and I was way behind  the eight ball on taking pictures of current work so no pics today.....

I actually was a little tired after lunch so I lied down on the couch to take a nap.  I tried turning off the lights but they complained that they couldn't see so I had to hunker down with my head under a quilt.  And so was born, the "Talking Quilt"..... little comments from under the quilt persisted all was actually quite fun!

Spending the evening watching the "Boob Tube" and just relaxing - should be getting some quilting done but I really haven't got the motivation....

Gotta get my strength up for next week!  You'll soon know why!

Happy quilting!


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